Welcome to Mariandina

The body  defence mechanism, i.e. the immune system, and it is this that defends the body against the numerous bacteria and viruses in our environment. For as long as the body has an intact immune system, these bacteria, viruses and fungi have no adverse effect on the health of the individual.

The immune system has what are called defence cells and chemical weapons known as antibodies. It is these two parts of the immune system that keep the potentially offensive organisms at bay. If an individual fails to keep the body supplied with the essential nutrients, then the bacteria and viruses get the upper hand of the defences and produce diseases in our systems.

Diseases only become incurable if it is left far too long untreated, till body tissues become destroyed beyond repair. In other words, all diseases should be treatable using nutritional supplements to make up the deficiency. Clinical experience shows that all deficiency diseases can be reproduced in the body if the nutrient responsible is withheld from the individual. By the same token, all diseases should be treatable if the lacking nutrients are identified and supplied in liberal quantities.

Mariandina is a nutritional supplement that is a benefit for holistic medicine as opposed to allopathic chemical-based drugs of the pharmaceutical industries.Mariandina believes that nutritional supplements from natural sources are beneficial to the immune systems of those with arthritis, diabetes, asthma, lupus, cancer and viral diseases like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.


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