Welcome to our EMOTIONAL WELLBEING Zoom Meeting.Join us as we explore Creating your Emotional Environment using Resolutions, Affirmations & Reflections.Date: Saturday 27th May 2023 Time: 10am – 12pm GMT Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4082084810?pwd=aWtuR3RVbUR2VHR1SUxtZjZ6Q3prdz09 Meeting ID: 408 208 4810 Passcode: Wellnesswww.mariandina.com Please share. Thank you.


Welcome to our DIGESTIVE WELLBEING Zoom MeetingJoin us as we explore digestive disease and use Nature’s remedies to Heal.Date: Thursday 25th May 2023 Time: 7pm – 10pm GMT Join our Digestive Wellbeing Zoom Meeting click here https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4082084810?pwd=aWtuR3RVbUR2VHR1SUxtZjZ6Q3prdz09 Meeting ID: 408 208 4810 Passcode: Wellness www.treeofeternallife.co.ukwww.mariandina.com Please Share. Thank you

Health and Wellness Webinar – Detox, Cleanse and Weight Balance

Mariandina Optimum nutrition presents Wellness seminar ‘ Detox, Cleanse and weight management. Saturday 30th October 10am GMT Link to ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81931276264?pwd=aXFiR2luQ2FtdWI5QXpyVGREQWlFZz09 Password: Wellness The password is case sensitive Authorised distributor: Rebecca T: 07868 843711 E:mariandinasupplements@gmail.com W: www.mariandinasupplements.com IG: health.iswealth2021 eBay:health.iswealth2021

CategoriesProduct Update

Mariandina Herbal Research

Mariandina Herbal  Research  Introduction: Traditional herbal medicines are naturally occurring, plant-derived substances with minimal or no industrial processing that have been used to treat illness within local or regional healing practices. Traditional herbal medicines are getting significant attention in global health debates. In China, traditional herbal medicine played a prominent role in the strategy to […]

CategoriesProduct Update

Mariandina Product Research

MARIANDINA PRODUCT RESERCH -KEY AREA Healthcare professionals will often encounter patients who are taking herbal medicines. However, many patients are reluctant to inform their healthcare professional, so enquiry is important. Research commissioned by the MHRA indicated that approximately a third of UK adults had used herbal medicines. These products have the potential to cause adverse […]


The Celebration Of Wholeness

 The Celebration Of Wholeness simple and effective way to take care of your skin from the inside is to have at least one glass of ‘Green Juice’ every day. You can release the almost miraculous, rejuvenating power of green chlorophyll in plants by juicing or blending green, leafy vegetables. Chlorophyll is not only good for your […]


Health Events For Womens

Celebrate Women’s Health With us as we focus on raising awareness on Breast Cancer, Hormone Imbalance, Menopause, Detox, Emotional Wellbeing, Infertility, Fibroids, Weight Gain and many other Conditions. On the day we have a health panel, workshops, stalls and health, Consultations to raise awareness and provide solutions on various health issues and challenges we face […]

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